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Yulia Masakovska, Zalizo/Zelazo (Iron)



such problematic, such frightful poems,


full of anger,


so politically incorrect


no beauty in these poems,


no aesthetic at all


the metaphors withered and fell to pieces


before they could bloom


the metaphors buried


in children’s playgrounds


under hastily raised crosses




in unnatural poses


by the gates of houses,


covered in dust


they prepared meals over an open fire


they did try to survive


it was of dehydration that they perished


under the rubble


shot in a car


under a white flag


made from a sheet


with colorful backpacks over their shoulder


they lie on the asphalt


face down


next to the cats and dogs


I'm sorry to say so, but such verses


are all we have for you today,


dear Ladies and Gentlemen




of the theater of war